Behold, He who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
Psalm 121:4
It's been in the headlines. It's happening all over the world...
will neither slumber nor sleep.
Psalm 121:4
It's been in the headlines. It's happening all over the world...
The rise of anti-Semitism, which the dictionary describes as "hostility towards Jews," is being reported more and more. Be it physical or verbal, or through the printed page such as in books, magazines, pamphlets or other publications, anger towards Jews is on the uptick.
As a result of this, however, Jewish people are on edge. Even law enforcement is stepping up their patrols of Jewish establishments such as houses of worship, Hebrew schools and Jewish owned businesses in an effort to keep lives and property safe. They're on high alert for any signs of trouble regarding expressions of anti-Jewish hatred.
But concerning anti-Semitism and its rise in the days we're now living in, I personally believe this to be what I would refer to as something that's being "demonically driven." Anti-Semitism is a spirit. It's more than people hating Jews. It's demons who hate them too, and want to annihilate their race from the face of the earth.
Furthermore, this may also be why anti-Semitism cannot be completely eradicated. It may lie low for a while, but always seems to resurface. And again, this is because there is a satanic component behind it in which real God-hating demons are at work troubling the hearts and minds of non-Jews, causing them to develop feelings of contempt for their Jewish neighbors. And this has been going on for generations.
In Germany, for example, during the 1930s and 40s, Jewish people had long become assimilated into that country's society. Jews had become doctors, lawyers, educators, business people, and more. Many Jewish men even served within the ranks of Germany's military, where they fought valiantly for the nation during the first World War. Yet in spite of this, when the voices of hatred toward Jews began to become more vocal, the levels of anti-Semitism rose rapidly culminating in surreal levels of violence, and the contributions Jews made to Germany's well-being meant nothing anymore.
Having reached explosive levels, there was no way to extinguish the rage which, by the mid-1940s, left millions of Jews throughout Europe dead. All of them the result of a diabolical purge known as the "Final Solution," but now more politely known as the Holocaust.
But this begs the question, could such a thing happen today? I believe it can. First because I see it happening now, and right before my very eyes. Second, because of the many futuristic prophecies that are contained in both the Old and New Testaments, which make up what we know as the holy Bible. Here within its pages can be found terms such as the "last days," and the "Day of the Lord," all of which are replete with predictions and warnings for both Jews and Gentiles to take heed to.
Among such prophecies are warnings to the Jewish people of a final world-wide push to annihilate them as a race, and how best to escape it (or avoid it completely - John 14:6; Romans 10:9-10). Yet also for them is the hope of their Messiah's return to save both them and the entire world from total destruction in what the Scriptures refer to as the battle of Armageddon, where satan and his hordes of demon soldiers will be neutralized.
While for the nations as a whole is the warning of what the Bible refers to as the "Great Tribulation," and the coming of a false Messiah known in the Scriptures as the "Antichrist," the "Beast," and as the "man of lawlessness" (or "man of sin"). It warns as well of dreadful judgments that will come upon the earth, to include wars and famines, and earthquakes.
But it also reveals what will be the worst period of anti-Semitism and hatred towards the Jewish people that the world has ever known. Yet it will all come to a glorious end when Israel's Messiah breaks through the clouds and returns to save both His people, and those of the Gentile nations who refused to align themselves with the antichrist.
Until then, however, the signs of the coming Apocalypse are showing themselves more clearly than ever before. One of which is the increase in hatred toward the Jews. While this is sad, for those like myself who believe in the Lord Jesus' soon return to establish His kingdom on earth where He will literally rule the world from a restored Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4; Revelation 11:15) it's a message of hope where war will end and peace and good will towards all of humanity will reign in its place (Isaiah 9:6-7; Revelation 21:1-4). Amen!
As a result of this, however, Jewish people are on edge. Even law enforcement is stepping up their patrols of Jewish establishments such as houses of worship, Hebrew schools and Jewish owned businesses in an effort to keep lives and property safe. They're on high alert for any signs of trouble regarding expressions of anti-Jewish hatred.
But concerning anti-Semitism and its rise in the days we're now living in, I personally believe this to be what I would refer to as something that's being "demonically driven." Anti-Semitism is a spirit. It's more than people hating Jews. It's demons who hate them too, and want to annihilate their race from the face of the earth.
Furthermore, this may also be why anti-Semitism cannot be completely eradicated. It may lie low for a while, but always seems to resurface. And again, this is because there is a satanic component behind it in which real God-hating demons are at work troubling the hearts and minds of non-Jews, causing them to develop feelings of contempt for their Jewish neighbors. And this has been going on for generations.
In Germany, for example, during the 1930s and 40s, Jewish people had long become assimilated into that country's society. Jews had become doctors, lawyers, educators, business people, and more. Many Jewish men even served within the ranks of Germany's military, where they fought valiantly for the nation during the first World War. Yet in spite of this, when the voices of hatred toward Jews began to become more vocal, the levels of anti-Semitism rose rapidly culminating in surreal levels of violence, and the contributions Jews made to Germany's well-being meant nothing anymore.
Having reached explosive levels, there was no way to extinguish the rage which, by the mid-1940s, left millions of Jews throughout Europe dead. All of them the result of a diabolical purge known as the "Final Solution," but now more politely known as the Holocaust.
But this begs the question, could such a thing happen today? I believe it can. First because I see it happening now, and right before my very eyes. Second, because of the many futuristic prophecies that are contained in both the Old and New Testaments, which make up what we know as the holy Bible. Here within its pages can be found terms such as the "last days," and the "Day of the Lord," all of which are replete with predictions and warnings for both Jews and Gentiles to take heed to.
Among such prophecies are warnings to the Jewish people of a final world-wide push to annihilate them as a race, and how best to escape it (or avoid it completely - John 14:6; Romans 10:9-10). Yet also for them is the hope of their Messiah's return to save both them and the entire world from total destruction in what the Scriptures refer to as the battle of Armageddon, where satan and his hordes of demon soldiers will be neutralized.
While for the nations as a whole is the warning of what the Bible refers to as the "Great Tribulation," and the coming of a false Messiah known in the Scriptures as the "Antichrist," the "Beast," and as the "man of lawlessness" (or "man of sin"). It warns as well of dreadful judgments that will come upon the earth, to include wars and famines, and earthquakes.
But it also reveals what will be the worst period of anti-Semitism and hatred towards the Jewish people that the world has ever known. Yet it will all come to a glorious end when Israel's Messiah breaks through the clouds and returns to save both His people, and those of the Gentile nations who refused to align themselves with the antichrist.
Until then, however, the signs of the coming Apocalypse are showing themselves more clearly than ever before. One of which is the increase in hatred toward the Jews. While this is sad, for those like myself who believe in the Lord Jesus' soon return to establish His kingdom on earth where He will literally rule the world from a restored Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4; Revelation 11:15) it's a message of hope where war will end and peace and good will towards all of humanity will reign in its place (Isaiah 9:6-7; Revelation 21:1-4). Amen!